TABulous Exercises
to develop keyboard accessibility testing skills

The sad path

The sad path exercise puts barriers in the way of keyboard accessibility. Work through the page in the same way as the happy path and try to identify the issues. Technically it should still only take about 40 key presses.

If you need help along the way, select a "Help!" option in the sidebar section.

How to test using a keyboard

Read these tips before proceeding.

  • Press Tab to move to the next link, form element or button.
  • Press Shift+Tab to move to the previous link, form element, or button.
  • Press Enter or the space bar to activate the current link or button and/or to make a selection.
  • In some cases the arrow keys are used to navigate through controls within a component and/or make a selection.
  • Try Esc or other keys if doing so would seem to make sense.

Based on tips from the #NoMouse Challenge

I made it!

What's next?

It's a little too soon for Halloween, but a web page with no focus indicators is scary!

Try out this game created by RĂ©mi Parmentier:
Hocus Focus: a keyboard accessibility horror game